Monday 18 May 2015


We have been busy exploring patterns on snail shells and got to work at making our own spiral patterns using a variety of resources. Here we are using beads to create spirals.

We used salt dough to create spiral shapes and made our own snails. We will cook them and paint them when they have gone hard.

We used paper strips to wind around our fingers to create curly spiral snail shapes.

We used different materials to create and explore spiral patterns.

We loved using the empty sauce bottles to squirt water spiral shapes.
We used pastels to draw snail pictures and we labelled the different parts of a snails body. 

We explored the patterns on top of our stepping stones and found one had a spiral pattern. We used crayons yo create rubbings of these different patterns.
We looked at the picture of 'The Snail' by Henry Matisse and we then used paper to re-create our own versions. 

We have loved watching the snails and we have built them our own snail trails for them to travel over, under, through, etc.
 Poppy brought in a dead butterfly for show and tell and we were fascinated by it. 

And then we made apple crumble!! 
Child - led planning means we follow the child interests and so can be found doing all kinds of wonderful things that have no relationship to what we might be thinking about in class but that the children really want to do.

Mmmmm..... We loved sharing the crumble at the end of the day. Delicious!,

Today our first butterfly emerged. How exciting. We can't wait to see what we might find tomorrow!

And our tadpoles now have legs! It's so exciting in Class R!!!

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