Sunday, 14 May 2017

The Very Hungry Caterpillar

We have been excited with our special delivery of tiny caterpillars.

They are so tiny and have come in a pot complete with food ( not leaves like we thought but a brown, sandy type of food).
We will watch them as they feed and grow and wait patiently for the next stage in the cycle to happen.
We have enjoyed reading the story of The a Very a Hungry Caterpillar.
We have played the board game and this led onto some talk about foods which are healthy and those which are not.

We have played at being the Hungry Caterpillar outside, crawling through tunnels.

We enjoyed tasting the different fruits from the story. The watermelon was a big hit!

And plums..

We used fruit to create patterns and dime even made caterpillars!

We printed our very own caterpillar numberlines too.

We have made our life cycles to show the changes that take place.

We have used natural materials to explore symmetrical butterfly wing patterns.

We have focussed on shapes and properties of shapes and used these yo make symmetrical patterns too.

We also enjoyed dragging shapes yo create symmetrical patterns on the game on the IWB.
We enjoyed playing the caterpillar gone on the interactive whiteboard where we had to put leaves in order of size, from the smallest to the largest number.
The children have been very creative.
Eggs on leaves in the Duplo
Caterpillar and butterfly kites.
And other kites!
And look how much they've grown.
I ended if we will have caterpillars or chrysalis's when we get to school tomorrow?!

1 comment:

  1. Wow, some wonderful work done by all the class. Can't wait to see when they turn into a beautiful butterfly each!
