Saturday, 24 September 2016

Birthdays and apples!

We've had a lovely week continuing our theme of birthdays and the children have embraced all areas of our curriculum to extend our learning.
Making decorations to add to our party. Exploring measures!
Our own private party during snack time!
Writing birthday cards to our friends and family.

Cutting out candles to add to our birthday board.

And developing our personal and social skills to play pass the parcel!

And the winner is.....

This week we have also started 'Funky fingers' sessions. These are activities specifically designed to improve and develop fine motor control. They develop and strengthen muscles in the hands and in particular fingers. Children come into school each morning and set to work on their activity. Music is played to encourage pace and concentration. The children rotate around each activity throughout the week. Here are this weeks activities.
Moving marbles from one pot to another, one at a time with a spoon.
Playdough. Rolling, squeezing, squashing, pinching.
Name tracing.
Peg boards, making patterns.

For some reason, our school snacks had not been delivered and so, having run out of our 'emergency' supplies, we had to forage our own snack! We harvested the apples on our apple trees in school! How lovely! This covered many areas of our curriculum - PSED, maths, Understanding the world.....

A good lesson to learn that we shouldn't take everything for granted too. Snacks are all back to normal!

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