Wednesday, 1 June 2016

Beautiful butterflies

It was a real shame that we didn't get to watch the final stage in our real live butterfly life cycle. 
The children were fascinated with watching the caterpillars grow and get bigger and bigger, before finally make their chrysalis. We then waited for a whole week and still nothing had happened. Mrs Hough then had to take them home in the butterfly net to wait for them to emerge.... And on the wet bank holiday Monday, butterfly number one did! 

A day later and another one too has emerged. 

There are two chrysalis's left since something happened to one....perhaps a parasite(?) got in and ate it? We're not quite sure. I have kept the chrysalis and also the empty ones to bring into school to show you.
The butterflies are happily enjoying feeding on the syrup mixture I have made which is on the bottom of the white dish shown. It has to be shallow so that the butterflies don't drown. They also have a nice plant to feed from. We are waiting for the sun to shine before releasing them into the wild... Watch this space....
They are 'Painted lady' butterflies. Why not look in a book or on the Internet to see what you can find out about them?
Mr Hough has found a different chrysalis whilst busy in the garden and so I've put it into net. Hopefully we will be able to watch that one emerge at school which would be very exciting.......

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