Saturday, 18 June 2016

Empty classroom day

On Friday, it was 'Empty classroom day' and, as the name suggests, it is the hope that teachers take the learning to the children using the great outdoors.
We took the register and then began our outdoor learning time....
We headed to  Mrs Hough's Tent to start the day, by taking a 'shape hunt' walk there. What shapes can we spot in our environment? We found circles - wheels and steering wheel on the train; rectangle ( or oblong) windows and doors and bricks; triangle bunting; semi circle Windows on the tent, to name a few. 
We enjoyed sitting in the tent and sharing a story about 'Super Dad' which Lilah had brought to school.

We then spent the next part of our morning enjoying some free choosing in our outside area.
Fun with the trains...

Looking after the babies....


Minibeast hunting....

Taking the babies for a walk whilst we chat with our friends....


Looking for minibeasts....

Balancing on the stepping stones...

Playing with dinosaurs....

Digging....  And exploring what happens when we add water to soil...

Sand fun....

We managed to do some phonics and even our writing outside too.
We only had to go inside to go to the loo. 
Mission accomplished. A whole morning learning outside our classroom!!!!

Daddy's coffee afternoon

On Friday, we invited the Daddy's, Step Daddy's and Grandfathers  from Cherry, Hazel and Sycamore classes to come into school to share in some coffee and cake and to have a play with the children. 
It was such a lovely afternoon and a real joy to see the Dad's getting down to the children's level and playing with them. 
We had Daddy's making Super Hero marks and capes, decorating cakes, playing with the trains, in the mud kitchen, looking for minibeasts, building with the big blocks and bricks, and o the list goes on.....

Thanks to all who managed to support this important event. We appreciate that taking time off work is not always easy and we also appreciate this is not always possible, so, sorry if you were unable to come. We do understand and we explain this to the children. 

Thorpe Woodlands

We had a brilliant school trip to Thorpe Woodlands activity centre this week.
We took part in 4 different activities throughout the day.
The low ropes (with Mrs Hough and Mrs Verrell) involved a series of rope activities where children had to climb, balance, swing and problem solve to get from one activity to the other.

Miss Yates and Mrs Harrison's group involved some good problem solving skills to make the big Kings see-saw balance and how to get through the Spiders web without touching the web. 

Other activities involved Den building with Mrs Sait and Mrs Hills and story time in the cave with Miss Grant.
We all enjoyed a picnic lunch together and managed to avoid the rain during this time.

We had a super day. A special thank you to our super parent helpers and yo Mr Edmonds who allowed us to use the centre free of charge for the day. What a super treat. We had a super day.