Sunday, 25 October 2015

The end of a very busy half term.....

This week has been delight in watching the children use and apply the new skills they have learnt.
In phonics we have spent our week using the sounds we have learnt so far by blending these to read simple words. We especially enjoyed our funny phonics pirate game in doing so.

Funky fingers is an exciting part of everyday life in Cherry class now and the children really are developing those fine motor skills through a range of fun activities. Here are some.
Dough gym is a favourite weekly activity.

Putting chocolate cubes into the chocolate box using tweezers only!

Using 'Pog' cards and a dice to turn over a matching number of cards, one at a time.

Adding coloured Cheerios onto the octopus body one at a time.

Lacing dinosaurs...

The children have also had fun exploring our new exciting adventure playground activities, although we did have a couple of children who didn't want to go on and opted for other play activities on the playground.

Have a lovely half term my little cherries........

Friday, 16 October 2015

Sponsored bounce

Today the children enjoyed our Sponsored bounce event. They bounced their little socks off in one whole minute of bouncing time! We'll done to all the little cherries and their sponsors for supporting this event.
This week we have been learning about long and short and have investigated this concept through lots of practical activities.
Stuart sorted the snakes in order of size. 
James and Henry enjoyed using the play dough to at first make different length snakes and then to make a cake with long icing piped around the edge! Yum!
Henry and India found a very long piece of wool and used it to make a bridge which they then played 'limbo' with!
Phoebe helped to find a way to attach the wool because it kept falling down.

See our handprints hanging up above Henry? We used these to find objects longer and shorter than them.
Noah found a pencil longer than his hand and a bead which was a lot shorter than it.
George made a very long necklace using the beads.

We have enjoyed using our long plastic pipes to explore ramps and have adapted the ways they were put together so that the cars could travel down.

We've loved dressing up.

And have spent lots of time writing and drawing for different purposes.

And we just love using the big paintbrushes to paint with and to wash the windows!!