Thursday, 19 May 2016

Butterfly life cycle

We have enjoyed watching our caterpillars eating their food and getting bigger and bigger day by day.

We were excited to see that on Tuesday, one of our caterpillars had begun to make its chrysalis and were fascinated with how it looks.

Over the next couple of days, the other caterpillars have followed suit and have too now turned from caterpillar into a chrysalis.

Today we saw the final caterpillar now transformed into a chrysalis and do it was time to move them into their new home. The butterfly net.

Now safe in the net, we wait for 7-10 days for the next stage in the life cycle....emerging as beautiful painted lady butterflies.....

Great tits nesting in our outside area!

Yesterday, we were very excited when we discovered that there were birds nesting in a box in the middle or our bark area outside. We watched and saw Mummy bird come back and forth to feed her babies inside the nest box.

We discovered that the birds were infact Great tits. We were also very excited to discover that this was the box with the webcam attached to it!

Thanks to Mr Graham, our school caretaker, we were able to get the webcam working and we saw inside the nest and the baby chicks inside, waiting for Mummy to return with food for them. And she did! Then we saw beaks wide open waiting for a special delivery. How brilliant?!

When we returned back to our class, lots of children were keen to go back outside to do a spot more bird spotting.

In goes Mummy bird, with food for her chicks.
Cameron sees it all through his binoculars.

The children then decide that they can help Mummy bird get some food for her babies. Birds like dorms.....
Digging for worms..
Will they be gone in the morning??
We look forward to watching Mummy bird feed her chicks.
 I wonder if we will get to see them take their first flight?!